Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Rock

Catchy title isn't it? It's late, I'm tired, and so that's what it is for now :)

I thought I'd give you a brief synopsis of my road trip last weekend. BHE and I drove to Little Rock, Arkansas to see the end of the Hot Rod Power Tour 2007. We saw cars, cars, and more cars, plus a few other objects turned into cars. We think the one pictured below was probably an amusement park ride - I'd love to go for a ride in it! The license tag on the back was "ROCKET"

The signage said 4000 cars, but we estimated there to be about 1500-2000. Still way too many to see, given the horendous humidty - I thought Tulsa was humid, but we've got nothing on The Rock.

We also saw Historic Landmarks (celebrating an anniversiary soon), a haunted mansions-turned-bed-and -breakfast (supposed one of the most active sites in LR for paranormal activity), and walked halfway across a Big Dam Bridge. (This is really it's name. Unimaginative, but pretty descriptive.) The Bridge is across the Arkansas River, and is at one of its widest points, if not the widest. Either way, it's has a lot more water in it at this point than it does in Tulsa. We were lucky enough to stay with my big brother and his wife, they have a fantastic house with beautiful landscaping. They have green thumbs like you wouldn't believe. We have an invite back for next year to kick off the Hot Rod Power Tour 2008, and hopefully we have a car to drive in the Tour! (No pressure, honey!)

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