Friday, May 09, 2008

Catching up

Oh, my, I am so far behind! Has it really been nearly 2 weeks since I posted last? My bloglines has over 800 posts, I have two FO reports to do, plus I started a new cardi yesterday, but I haven't made the time to write about them. I haven't taken photos of the roving I dyed at Yarn School, I haven't told you about my new spinning wheel, or about the craptastic spinning I did earlier this week. I am, thankfully, up to date at work, and expect to be so finished with projects by the end of May that I will have time for some CPE.

The thing I feel most horrible about is that I received a package from my upstream Pay It Forward partner, and I never thanked her for it. Rachel, I am so sorry, hopefully you understand how family, work, and life can push everything else out of the way sometimes.

My very next post will be about Rachel's package, and following that will be proper posts of fiber and FOs, complete with pictures.

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