Here are my answers to the Knit Sock Kit Swap Questionaire!
The Questionnaire:
What are your favorite colors? I wear a lot of neutrals with bright colors thrown in – deep red, royal blue, lime green. But with yarn, fabric and jewelry I’m always attracted to Caribbean colors – blues fading into greens, aquas, lavenders.
Are you a new sock knitter? How long have you been knitting socks? I am pretty new. I knit my first pair about a year ago, and just completed the first sock of the second pair.
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? No preference really. All the sock yarn I have is multicolored, but I think I would like solid too, if I were doing a stitch pattern that would get lost in a multicolored yarn
What fibers do you prefer in sock yarn? I’ve used cotton and wool/nylon. I would prefer it be machine washable, but I think I’d love it no matter what, as long as it wasn’t too itchy.
Where do you usually knit socks? Anywhere I can! At home, at work on breaks, in the car when my husband is driving, or even when I’m driving, if stuck in traffic! ;)
How do you usually carry/store small projects? In my purse, or a catchall basket I carry back and forth to work.
What are your favorite sock knitting patterns? I don’t really have a favorite yet. My first pair was stockinette with a ribbed cuff, and my current pair is fair isle. I do want to do Gumperina’s Jaywalkers and the Pomatomus pattern on for starters.
What are your favorite sock knitting techniques? I’ve only done the top down method. I don’t think it qualifies as a favorite. I did the slip stitch heel flap on the first pair, and a short row heel on the second. I think I did something wrong on the short row heel, or the pattern was wrong. It seems pointy.
What new techniques would you like to try? I want to learn the toe-up method, and two-circulars method.
Do you prefer circulars or dpns for sock knitting? I’ve only used size 2 dpns for sock knitting. I broke 2 needles recently due to a tote bag mishap, and just replaced them. My LYS only had 7" Clovers instead of the 6" Plymouths I used before. I haven't tried them yet to see if I like that length better. I was fine with the 6". Now I have no excuse not to finish that fair isle sock....
What are some of your favorite yarns? Hmmm. I’ve become really enamored of merino recently, but there are two different silk blends in my stash screaming my name right now.
What yarn do you totally covet? Really? All of it!
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? Good question. Probably the Pomatomus sock. I’ve heard the pattern is pretty intense. I’m always up for a good challenge :) I'd also like to do one of Alice Starmore's Fair Isle sweaters
Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? I’ve only used bamboo dpns for my socks. I did recently buy some size 2 Addi Turbos, and LOVE them.
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? Something reliable, consistant, traditional?
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? Chocolate, is there any other kind? (that may not be too mail-able – seriously I like anything sweet – m&ms, cookies, sour gummi candies, you name it.)
What’s your favorite animal? Isn’t sheep a required answer? I do collect dragonflies :)
Do you have pets? What are their species/names/ages? Chloe, a 5 year old dog, part Jack Russell Terrior, part Pointer, part Beagle.
If you were a color what color would you be? I love wearing the color red, but I don’t think I really have a red personality. Probably a calm, peaceful blue.
Describe your favorite shirt (yours or someone else’s). That’s a hard one. I had a baby nearly a year ago, and most of my clothes don’t fit that well (need to get to work on that). Oh, I know – I had this navy blue maternity t-shirt, super soft with a square neckline. It was very flattering because it wasn’t cut like a tent. It just kind of skimmed my sides, not too big, not stretched over my belly, and made me feel cute-pregnant, not fat-pregnant.
What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? I love pictures of beautiful sunsets, reflecting off the clouds. Full of pinks, oranges, purples.
Tell me the best quote you’ve ever heard or read. Let me think about this a day or so … I know - "All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!" Lucy Van Pelt (yarn is nice now and then too) :)
Do you have a wishlist? Yes at Amazon, but it has lots on non-knitting stuff on it. I also have a KnitPicks wish list, but I am now sure if it is accessible by anyone but me.
Anything else you’d like to share with the group today? I can’t wait to get started!

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