Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Medicine

Forgive the quietness blanketing this blog - there seems to be a 24 hour virus sweeping through the household, although it seems to be lingering with me for several 24-hour periods. BHE seems to be getting over it faster than me, Sweetpea's trying to convince me she's still sick (cough, cough), because the medicine tastes that good, and Monkeyboy's trying to convince me he's just clearing his throat.

The knitting is slow going, only when I feel like it. There hasn't been much progress since last week, except for turning the entire heel on a sock in the drive through lane at Starbucks! Hopefully, we will all be well enough to go on our first family vacation, and I can finish some WIPs in the car :)


Jennifer said...

I hope you guys feel better soon!

Rachel said...

(((HUGS))) we have had that crud as well. Hope everyone is feeling better soon. This stuff does want to hold on for awhile.